WizarPOS 无人值守支付终端
通过 WizarPOS 无人值守支付终端 (UPT) 实现超级无现金支付
WizarPOS 无人值守支付终端
Revolutionize Your Self-Service Payments with Our Fully-Certified Unattended Terminals
WizarPOS 无人值守 安卓终端 meets ever-change consumer needs, increases profitability, and shortens the turnaround and deployment time. With its extensive communications and payment acceptance, this future-proof unattended payment terminal turns every self-service station into a customer magnet when they grab and go.
- 磁卡
- 芯片
- 非接触式
- 移动支付
- 电子钱包
- 条形码扫描
- 接受二维码
跨行业的多功能 无现金 无人值守/自助服务支付
符合 NAMA 和 EVA 标准的快速安全 集成 ,可快速进行现场升级或改造
加快应用程序的周转时间,通过 基于 Android 的 SDK
4G / Wi-Fi / Ethernet / MDB / RS232 / RS485 / USB / eSIM, or custom interfaces

- Touch screen
- 阳光下可读
- QR / 条码扫描
- 语音指令
- 远程管理
- 客户参与的营销整合